类器官 B plus

简要描述:类器官 B plus

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2023-11-07
  • 访  问  量:226



类器官 B plus


Product Description:
bioGenousTM B plus is an optimized serum-free supplement used to support the viability and growth of mammalian organoids. bioGenousTM B plus Supplement is provided as a 50X liquid and is intended to be used with bioGenousTM Organoid Basal Medium Series (B213151& B213152) and other needed growth factors to form the organoid culture complete medium.

技术参数Product Information:

ComponentComponent Cat#VolumeStorage & Stability
bioGenousTM B plus(50x)B84602810mL-20, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 months


PurificationSterility TestingShipping ConditionsApplications
0.2 μm filteredPassAmbientOrganoid Culture

Storege and Handling
1.      Long term storage at – 20, valid for one year.
2.      It can be thawed at room temperature or overnight at 4. It is recommended to store at - 20 after sub packaging under sterile conditions after the first receipt to avoid repeated freezing and thawing. 
Data Example

Figure 1: Comparison of two groups of mouse intestinal organoids grew for 5 days in vitro cultured with (A) no other supplement and (B) B plus as supplement in organoid complete medium.

类器官 B plus



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